About the Artist
Belonging shouldn’t mean you are like everyone else. -Misty Copeland Magnet
Belonging shouldn’t mean you are like everyone else. -Misty Copeland Print
Always stop and smell the RosesMagnet
Shine like the whole universe is yours-Rumi Greeting card
Shine like the whole universe is yours-Rumi Print
Shine like the whole universe is yours-Rumi Magnet
I am a citizen of the world and my nationality is goodwill. – Socrates Print
To Plant a Garden is to believe in tomorrow-Audrey Hepburn Greeting card
To Plant a Garden is to believe in tomorrow-Audrey Hepburn Print
To Plant a Garden is to believe in tomorrow-Audrey Hepburn Magnet
You’re out of this world!Magnet
You’re out of this world!Greeting card
Maya waves the American Flag (no words) Magnet
Life is a balance of holding on and letting goGreeting card
Life is a balance of holding on and letting goPrint
Nothing can dim the light that shines from withinMaya Angelo Greeting card
Nothing can dim the light that shines from withinMaya Angelo Print
Maya umbrella after ballet class (No Words) Print
Where flowers bloom so does home.– Lady Bird Greeting card
Where flowers bloom so does home.– Lady Bird Print